In Our Memory

Ed was a once in a lifetime kind of cat! He hugged us and wouldn’t let go everyday, head rubbed all he loved, always greeted us, jumped the highest, ran the fastest, meowing the loudest, loved dilly bars, vanilla ice cream and biting off little pieces of Pringle potato chips and begging for food.

Our smart boy used his paw like a spoon, dipping it in water and catnip then licking it off his paw. He loved playing with Sammie and bathing her head, she was his best friend. Ed had the best balance, like weaving between wood posts on a ledge. Ed loved to play, even at age 20. He couldn’t pass up a toy without swatting it!  His favorite person was Taylor, he loved her so much! He had a very sensitive nose, giving the whiskers back stink face or gag for smells he didn’t like (permanent markers, for example).

Ed was always friendly and could never pass up warm towels, a blanket or a box. He appreciated everyone and everything. Our only regret is more people didn’t get to meet him and see how very amazing and wonderful a cat can be!

Ed, always in our hearts and on our minds. Run fast, jump high and meow loud until we meet again. You were the best, we love you and miss you buddy. Thank you for being in our lives. 20 year is not enough.

Fondly remembered by,
Taylor, Scott, Donna & Matt

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