5 Safety Tips for Your Pets on Halloween

5 Safety Tips for Your Pets on Halloween:

Keep your pets in mind on Halloween while you’re decorating, wearing costumes, and passing out treats. But it can also be a stressful and potentially dangerous time for your pets. Here are 5 tips to make it a fun and safe experience for your entire family.

1. Halloween Treats to Avoid for Pets

Treats for kids may not be good for pets! Dark chocolate and xylitol (found in chewing gum and some sugar-free candies) can be toxic, so keep it out of reach of pets. If you think your dog or cat has ingested anything toxic, please contact emergency vet services immediately.

2. Halloween Decorations to Protect Your Pet From

Decorations such as jack-o-lanterns with candles need to be kept away from pets to avoid possible burns, and decorative corn kept out of reach as it can cause stomach upsets in pets that chew on them. Batteries and electric wires can cause burns, shocks, or gastrointestinal blockages if ingested. And no one likes the taste of glow-sticks!

3. Pet Halloween Costumes

Costumes can be cute on pets but also uncomfortable! Try them on your dog or cat in advance of Halloween to give them time to get used to them. If they appear unhappy, consider using only part of the costume or a festive bandana instead.

4. Trick or Treating is Not as Fun for Pets

Lots of costumed strangers coming to the door, and the sounds of knocking and doorbells may cause excessive stress for your pets. Dogs are used to protecting the family from strangers, and cats usually prefer a quiet environment. Consider keeping your pets in a separate room to provide a sense of calm on this busy evening.

5. Avoid Pet Loss on Halloween!

happy halloween

Just like on the 4th of July, pets are at a greater risk of running away and/or getting lost on Halloween.  The extra human activities can confuse or even scare them.  Be proactive by keeping pets inside.  Make sure your pets have appropriate identification tags on them (or a microchip) to  staff puppy in halloween costume  

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