Our goal is to help provide your pet with a fear-free veterinary experience.  We have fear-free certified professionals on staff, and we employ dozens of techniques to ensure your pet is cared for emotionally as well as physically during his/her vet visit.  There are a lot of things you can do as a pet-owner, too, to ensure the whole experience is much less stressful for your pet!  Here are just a few:

Fear-Free Tips for Cat Owners

Dr. Mike examining cat from inside carrier
  • Consider investing in a cat carrier that opens from the top and/or has an easily removable top. This can make vet visit much less stressful, as we can examine your cat right inside his/her carrier.
  • Place the carrier in a central area of the home at least 3 days prior to the exam. Wipe the carrier with pheromone wipes (Feliway) and place their bed and treats inside. Make their carrier a happy and not a scary place. This will make getting them into it a much easier process for you and them.
  • Cover the carrier to reduce stimuli while they’re traveling.
  • Play calming classical music to decrease anxiety.
  • Speak in a low calm voice. High pitched praise or reaffirmation often increases anxiety.
  • When you arrive, carry the carrier with both hands like you are cradling a present. This prevents the cat from being jostled and unbalanced.
  • In the waiting area, cover the carrier with one of our Feliway-infused towels.
  • Ask us if pre-visit sedation or supplements might take the edge off and keep your pet happy and relaxed.

Fear-Free Tips for Dog Owners

Fear-Free techniques for dogs
  • Consider using a harness or fixed length leash. This allows more control during what can be a somewhat anxious visit.
  • Condition them early to enjoy car rides. Start with short drives around the neighborhood. Feed treats and make it a positive experience. Add more and more time as they get used to it. If ever anxious, stop and try again another day.
  • On the day of the visit, feed a small meal in the morning. If they are hungry, your dog will respond better to food rewards during the vet visit.
  • Bring their favorite treat, kibble, or toy with them to their appointment.
  • During the car ride try some calming classical music. It is said to soothe even a dog’s nerves.
  • Speak in a low voice. High pitched praise can often increase anxiety.
  • If you have an anxious dog, leave them in the car and check in with the receptionist. They will advise you when an exam room is available.
  • If your dog is more comfortable in the waiting room, please let us know.  The doctor can sometimes exam him/her out there!
  • Ask us if pre-visit sedation or supplements might take the edge off and keep your pet happy and relaxed.
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