Don’t you wish more than anything that you could have a conversation with your pet? You could ask them so many questions, like:

“Do you have pain or discomfort anywhere?”

Cats and dogs have a genetic predisposition to mask their pain (their ancestors did this to not appear weak to predators.) Since they can’t talk, they count on routine check ups to unveil what’s really going on.

Pets age up to 7 times faster.

Every six months equals several human years for your pet, making it super duper important to have head-to-tail examinations on a regular basis. Delaying these exams means we’re losing valuable time to detect issues or prevent their onset altogether. It’s kind of a big deal.

Although your pet’s personality is wonderfully unique, their physical development is tied to distinct life stages that require adjustments to nutrition, lifestyle, and/or medicine. We understand these important benchmarks and will help you navigate them.

Pets age up to 7 times faster.

We treat sick pets, but the most rewarding work we do is help keep pets healthy, so you and your pet can continue to enrich each other’s lives for as long as possible. Your pet’s wellness exam includes:
Reviewing health history to assess your pet’s risk of disease
Taking blood work to detect hidden disease before the development of obvious symptoms. This allows us to treat your pet sooner, which can save a lot of unnecessary discomfort (and costly treatment!) down the road
Examining your pet for enlarged lymph nodes, abdominal tumors, or shrunken kidneys/liver/spleen
Evaluating your pet’s mobility to determine if they are arthritic and in need of pain medication
Checking for hair loss, which can indicate systemic disease or hormonal imbalances
Avoiding a stressful “waiting room” experience by taking pets directly to exam rooms when they enter the clinic
Testing annually for heartworms and ensuring your pet is adequately protected
Analyzing a stool sample for intestinal parasites can affect both dogs and humans
Conducting blood tests and urinalysis to diagnose potential organ malfunctions in the early stages
Establishing a weight baseline and a body condition score that we can monitor over time for unexplained changes
Screening for vector-borne diseases like Lyme disease or ehrlichiosis may be advised

Give Your Pet Their Best Shot!

While we don’t use a cookie-cutter approach to veterinary medicine, there are core vaccines that we strongly advocate for because their benefits significantly outweigh potential risks. We believe protecting your pet, family, and community from potentially fatal diseases is a no-brainer.

Some of the common core vaccinations we offer include:
Rabies is a communicable disease between dogs, cats, people, and wild animals. Vaccinating all dogs and cats for Rabies is not only important for the health of the entire family, but also required by law.
The canine distemper combination vaccine is given to protect dogs from highly contagious upper respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases such as Distemper, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, Coronavirus, Adenovirus, and Parainfluenza.
Kennel Cough
We provide both injectable and intranasal protection from Bordetella and other highly contagious upper respiratory viruses. These vaccines are recommended for dogs that frequent the groomer, dog parks, community/social events, boarding kennels, and doggie daycares.
Canine Influenza
Canine Influenza is a contagious upper respiratory infection. Several strains of Influenza outbreaks have occurred across the country, including in Wisconsin. This virus can lead to serious health concerns such as pneumonia and even death. The combination vaccine protects dogs from every known strain of Influenza.
Feline Distemper
The feline distemper combination vaccination protects cats from contagious upper respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases such as Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, and Rhinotracheitis. These viruses are common among stray cats and shelter populations. All new cats in a household should be kept separate from other cats until evaluated for viral infections.
Feline Leukemia
Feline Leukemia is a highly contagious and life-threatening virus transmitted between cats. There is no cure for this virus and vaccination is the best protection for your kitty. Cats should test negative for the Feline Leukemia virus before administering the vaccination.
Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks through trees or grass. It is prevalent in Wisconsin!

We don’t judge.

Are you off schedule? Been busy? Funds are tight? WE DON’T JUDGE. In fact, as pet owners ourselves, we’ve been there ourselves.The best thing to do is get back on the horse! We have nothing but pure respect that you love your pet enough to set aside the guilt and get back on track.Routine wellness exams help us prevent certain diseases before their onset, so call us to schedule your pet’s next check up as soon as you can!