Nick, Amber and Emerson
How did he come into your life?
We visited the puppies when they were 6 weeks old and they all fell asleep except for the orange banded puppy that kept snuggling with us. Then the breeder chose him for us because he was a high energy puppy and she thought he would be a good match for us.
Significance of his name, if any:
We named him after the gorilla from the Milwaukee County Zoo.
Favorite treat:
He loves eating strawberries from our garden. He just goes in there and eats them, but he’s careful to only pick the nice, red ones.
Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:
When we were up north, he was nervous to get in the lake. He kept looking off the edge of the dock, and then he attempted to step off as if he was going to be able to stand on the water. It resulted in him splashing in head first. He was so happy once he was swimming though and he didn’t want to leave.
Funny or unusual habit:
We walk him frequently and he knows which houses his friends live in. He slows down when we go past their houses in case they’ll come out to pet him. He has a lot of friends in the neighborhood so our walks take a while sometimes.
If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?
He would be the greeter at Walmart. He loves to meet people.
If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would he say?
I love my yard.
Anything else you’d like to share:
We love Samson very much and he has done very well adjusting to life with our baby. He patiently accepts all of her hugs and love.