Pet of the month
Pet of the month
March 2023

Our pet of the month's name is, Hazel


Biege Family


2 ½

How did she come into your life?  

We got Hazel a year after our beagle/basset passed and our other dog Cookie was missing her friend. My family decided that we missed having a second dog and a beagle, so we started our search. I found Hazel online after months of searching and my dad and I drove a few hours to pick her up. We pulled up to a beautiful farm and got to see Hazel and her parents. We brought her home and we could tell Cookie was happy to have company.

Significance of her name, if any:

Naming Hazel took some time, but eventually my family came to an agreement on Hazel. Hazel does have a few nicknames for example Hazel Bean, Mrs. Bean, and my personal favorite Dooty Bean.

Favorite treat:

Just about anything that is edible for dogs.

Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

While taking care of a foster mama and her seven pups, Hazel was very eager to meet them and play with them as soon as they arrived. After the puppies were big enough to go outside, we introduced them to our dogs Hazel and Cookie. Hazel was so gentle with them and made sure Piper (Mother of the pups) was ok with everything. Hazel quickly became popular with the puppies and took on the role of being their aunt. Piper needed a break and Hazel corralled them and wore them out. It was amazing to watch Hazel (who still is a puppy herself) being so gentle and correcting the puppy’s behavior when needed.

Funny or unusual habit:

When asked to speak for a treat, Hazel does a little hop as she barks (it’s adorable).

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

Professional food taster.

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would she say?

“I went potty outside, can I have a treat now?”

Anything else you’d like to share:

Hazel is living her best life with two of her best furry friends Cookie and Piper. Hazel sure has made our family happy once again.

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
Pet of the month
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August 2024
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July 2024
July 2024

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Pet of the month
Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
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October 2024