Pet of the month
Pet of the month
March 2022

Our pet of the month's name is, Eddy and Luna


Eddy – ~10, Luna – ~7

How did they come into your life?

Eddy was found outside in a pile of snow by my friend who was allergic so I then took him home and have had him since. I then adopted Luna from the Janesville Humane Society as a black Friday deal.

Significance of their names, if any:

Just thought they were cute!

Favorite treat:

Eddy will eat anything and everything just the same – he doesn’t hate anything. Luna is very picky and only prefers the blue lid TEMPTATIONS, along with only eating shredded wet food.

Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

Luna can find herself a spot anywhere – I once found her on the top of the thin sliding shower door, jumping from the counter to somehow balance perfectly. Eddy is the one and only cat that has won over my dad’s heart! He won’t admit it today but there are pictures to prove it.

Funny or unusual habit:

Luna is obsessed with water and will sit under any faucet pawing at it to get water to drip out. I’ll leave a slow drip going every once in awhile and she’ll be soaking wet. Eddy is kind of like a dog and responds if you say “are you hungry?” “do you want a treat?” – he comes running from wherever he is, wakes up if he’s sleeping…whatever he can to eat more.

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

Eddy would be a food critic for sure. Anything to get paid to eat and then complain about it (puke it up). Luna would be a CEO somewhere because she’s a sassy boss that has proven herself amongst the boys (Eddy and Ralph, my golden retriever).

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would they say?

Eddy – “Are you gonna finish that?” Luna – “Stop touching me.”

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August 2024
August 2024
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July 2024
July 2024

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
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