Pet of the month
Pet of the month
March 2021

Our pet of the month's name is, Caray


Human mom and dad, Mandi and Drew, and her sister, Ivy



How did she come into your life?

We adopted her and her sister as kittens from Noah’s Ark in Rockford when we moved to Janesville after graduating from Iowa State. 

Significance of her name, if any:

Caray is a Cub’s kitty (sorry Brewers fans). She is named after the legendary Harry Caray. Her sister’s name is Ivy. 

Favorite treat:

Caray’s favorite treat is fresh turkey breast (shhh don’t tell the vet lol). She loves Thanksgiving!

Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

On Halloween Caray’s mom put on some cat ears to pass out candy. The instant Caray saw that she hissed and ran away. It was the first time she had ever hissed. She was scared of her mom for the rest of the day – even when she took the cat ears off! 

Funny or unusual habit:

She likes to sleep in drawers, so she spends a lot of time trying to pull them open with her paws. Then she makes a nice nest for herself among the clothes. 

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

Caray would be a great babysitter. Every night she comes downstairs right around 10 pm to tell her mom and dad that it is time for bed! 

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would she say?

“Turn the heated blanket back on!” 

Anything else you’d like to share:

Caray loves her sister, Ivy. Their bond is very special. She is also incredibly talkative with her squeaky little meow. There are always so many conversations to be had!

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
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July 2024

Attention all Janesville Veterinary Patients!

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
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