Pet of the month
Pet of the month
March 2019

Our pet of the month's name is, Wambo


Mom: Meredith


1 year and 5 months

How did he come into your life?

I had thought about adopting a cat for a few months, but then decided not to…I forgot to tell this information to my sister-in-law, who gifted Wambo to me on my birthday.

Significance of his name, if any:

Wambo was the name he was given at the Humane Society. I thought about renaming him something else, but Wambo just worked for him. I think it’s from a Sponge Bob Square Pants episode.

Favorite treat:

Anything fish flavored.

Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

Wambo learned how to scale my Christmas tree this year – it was like his own personal jungle gym.

Funny or unusual habit:

No matter where he is or what he’s doing, whenever you stand up, he will come and immediately take your spot.

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

A King – he’s pretty good at finding all the high places to loaf and survey his kingdom.

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would he say?

“Dis my spot now…sorry, not sorry hooman.”

Anything else you’d like to share:

As surprised as I was to get him as a gift, he’s the best cat I could have asked for!…that is, when he’s not stealing my spot 🙂

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
Pet of the month
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September 2024
September 2024
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August 2024
August 2024
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July 2024
July 2024

Attention all Janesville Veterinary Patients!

You’ve been cute since your very first breath–now’s your chance to let the whole world know!

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Pet of the month
Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
Pet of the month
October 2024