Pet of the month
Pet of the month
June 2018

Our pet of the month's name is, Scooter


Dave & Elaine Thoreson



How did he come into your life?

Certain family members thought I needed a companion about a year and a half after our previous dog was put down with Cushing’s disease; so they took me to the Humane Society near the time of my birthday. We saw Scooter who had been brought in with a bad flea infestation left untreated by the previous owner. The Humane Society had treated Scooter and he had a cone on. We decided on him and took him to our prior vet who looked him over and said “Well can’t you take him back they should have put him down in the condition he came in with.” We sought a second opinion with Dr. Mike who worked with us on Scooter’s condition. He was missing a lot of hair from most places even though some had returned while he was at the Humane Society and he also had some dental work he needed. Now he still takes medicine to prevent allergies but he’s thriving! Scooter is the first older dog we’ve ever adopted as all our prior dogs we had gotten as pups through the Humane Society.

Significance of his name, if any:

That was the name he went by at the Humane Society, not sure if that was his past name or not, but we liked it and kept it!

Favorite treat:

Milk bones!

Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

Getting rescued from the Humane Society and he sticks to me like glue!

Funny or unusual habit:

Follows me everywhere and sniffs everything he can when we’re out for a walk.

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

Official Sniffer!

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would he say?

“Let’s go for a ride in the truck.”

Anything else you’d like to share:

I didn’t think any dog could live up to the previous one we had; but Scooter has done that and more even under the health issues he initially faced and some that continue. He’s a part of the family!

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