Parents: Jenna & Dan Krapp
Cat brother: Meatball
4 years
How did he come into your life?
When I got my first apartment I knew I wanted to share it with someone. I saw Seamus on the Humane Society website & immediately fell in love with his extra toes (he is polydactyl).
Significance of his name, if any:
He is bright orange like Spaghettios (& who doesn’t love Spaghettios?) & our family is Irish.
Favorite treat:
A spoonful of yogurt!
Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:
Jump inside the refrigerator.
Funny or unusual habit:
Seamus loves to be under the covers, he makes sure our feet never go cold.
If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?
Official Box tester for Amazon- if he fits, he sits.
If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would he say?
“Cuddle time? Cuddle time? Cuddle tiiiiiiiime???”
Anything else you’d like to share:
Seamus is a wizard of unmeasurable charisma and skill. His favorite spell is “Sudden and inevitable nap” in which humans, being mere mortals, can not resist and instantly fall asleep when Seamus casts this spell.