Ted and Tangerine Gruetzmacher
How did he or she come into your life?
We were missing a fur baby in our life .We were looking for a Aussie puppy and found some breeders and went and picked him out.
Significance of his/her name, if any:
We wanted Bo but didn’t want him to get confused with just Bo with sounding like no so Bowie had Bo in it and it is the perfect name.
Favorite treat:
Beef Jerky
Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:
Lead other dogs around by their leashes in the yard.
Funny or unusual habit:
He likes to sleep upside down and uses his paws as hands to eat treats.
If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?
A guard or athlete.
If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would he say?
Play with me and Papa it is time to eat.
Anything else you’d like to share?
He loves catching his frisbee’s and balls he is a very good jumper. He is very loving and likes to cuddle and give lots of kisses. He loves everyone and has to say hi and play.