Proud parents: Matt and Chris; Human Siblings: Jake, Taylor, Helen and Emily, Jordan and David; Furry siblings: Alice the Cat, Sunshine the Cat and Otis the Pup
How did she come into your life?
We found her on Paddy’s Paws rescue site and fell in love with her while she was still in Houston, TX. We met her at a big barn when the transport arrived in Wisconsin & took her home right then and there.
Significance of her name, if any:
It is short for “sammich”. LOL
Favorite treat:
Oh goodness – she loves everything. But she does go crazy for both peanut butter (makes her drool) and real chicken.
Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:
When we first brought her home, she was about 5 months old. We didn’t know much about her except that she had been hit by a car and found under a bush by the side of the road. Having had such a horrible beginning, the most memorable thing about Sammie is how absolutely JOYFUL she is. About EVERYTHING. Snow? Joy. Rain? Joy. New People? Joy. Old People? Joy. Big People? Joy. Little People? Joy. Dogs? Joy. Cats? Joy. Whatever….
Funny or unusual habit:
When she gets really excited she wags her tail so hard that her butt wiggles back and forth. Hence the nickname “Sammie Wiggle Butt”!
If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?
Sammie would be doctor or a nurse – she always makes people feel better.
If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would she say?
”Hi! I’m Sammie! I love you! I love everything! Wanna run?!”
Anything else you’d like to share:
She is just such a blessing. She has been teaching us to stop and enjoy life – all of it – ever since she came into our world. Months after adopting her, I looked at my fiancé and said, “It seems like she’s always been here. I can’t imagine our world without her.” How lucky are we?!