Pet of the month
Pet of the month
August 2019

Our pet of the month's name is, Lucy Lou



How did she come into your life?

Lucy was found abandoned at a campground in central Wisconsin hiding under a car.  She was covered in fleas and ticks and was also in heat. She came home and was instantly part of our family.

Significance of her name, if any:

Initially she was going to be named “Emmy Lou”, but this was vetoed and it morphed into Lucy Lou.

Favorite treat:


Most memorable thing your pet has ever done:

She makes holidays memorable.  On one of our birthdays, she dislocated her shoulder trying to catch a moth.  This led to a late night visit to Janesville Vet Clinic. On another birthday, she jumped on the counter, when home alone to finish off the birthday pizza that was left out.  One Christmas, after visiting family and returning home, she decided she wasn’t ready to stop the celebration and ran away to go back to our family’s house to continue the party.  A black dog running away on Christmas Eve night led to some heightened emotions! She decided to stay the night with family, tail between her legs.

Funny or unusual habit:

Lucy’s bed is across the hall.  Every night when everyone goes to bed, she has to come into our bedroom and go bedside to say goodnight to each of us.  She will not return to her bed, until everyone tells her goodnight and pets her. It’s her way of “tucking” us in.

If your pet had a job/profession, what would it be?

Dog-tor or Nurse.

If your pet could speak one sentence out loud, what would she say?

That she loves us.

Anything else you’d like to share:

Lucy was diagnosed with diabetes 2 ½ years ago. This was very scary since we had read that diabetes is one of the top reasons pets are put down.  The staff at Janesville Vet Clinic were great to work with, as we learned how to give insulin shots and monitor her diet. After she started insulin, she was back to her usual self!

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Attention all Janesville Veterinary Patients!

You’ve been cute since your very first breath–now’s your chance to let the whole world know!

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Miss Bella the black lab in front of the christmas tree
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