At the Janesville Veterinary Clinic, we are true veterinary nerds. We LOVE new shiny equipment that offers the latest features to better evaluate your pet’s diagnostic results!

We never take a bandaid-approach to your pet’s symptoms. We want to get to the root cause so treatment can offer relief and the best prognosis possible.

Our in-house laboratory allows us to quickly run the following tests while you and your pet wait:
Complete Blood Counts
Serum Chemistries
Fecal Testing

Digital Radiographs

When many veterinary clinics were holding onto traditional x-rays, we upgraded to digital radiography. This advanced form of x-rays produces a digital image instantly on a computer, and the image is much more accurate. That means fewer retakes, and less radiation exposure for your pet. It also means we can read the results instantly. This is important because we don’t want you as the pet owner wringing your hands, waiting and worrying! Moreover, we don’t want to delay any necessary treatment or discomfort for your beloved family member.

The Locally Owned Difference

While we love all the amazing technology, we are cognizant of the financial impact that diagnostic testing has on our clients. Since we don’t need to adhere to corporate protocols or quotas, we are prudent about the tests we run.

We want the latest technology at your pet’s disposal should they ever need it, but our genuine hope is that they never do.

Our veterinarians only advise tests they deem essential to the central mission: finding the root cause of your pet’s troubles so they can feel better!