In Our Memory

A dog’s life is never long enough. You know the pain of the end is coming but there is such beauty in the hard honesty of knowing that. It is in accepting and giving love that one is aware that it comes with an unbearable price. To welcome a dog into your life is to open yourself to profound joy, and prospectively, to equally profound sadness.

How blessed we were to have loved something that makes saying goodbye so painful and difficult. I remember when we first brought you home like it was yesterday. You had the softest ears and the sweetest heart. You were feisty and had so much personality for such a tiny being. Despite my many shortcomings you accepted me and loved me unconditionally. You helped me through the darkest moments of my life. You filled my life with an indescribable joy. I am deeply sorry that the one thing we could not protect you from was time.

You were deeply loved and are greatly missed, Pizca.

Fondly remembered by,
Lawrence & Alma

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This pet memorial page serves as a community sanctuary to honor all pets who have transitioned, both our patients and non-patients alike. By adding to our memorial and having others leave heartfelt sentiments, we hope you feel more supported during this difficult time.
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